Andrew Burbidge


The Mirror Fish

One day I took a walk down by the riverside
   And all at once a flash of silver spied
Where a mirror fish was darting to and fro
   On the way to where the mirror fishes go
Wonderful day! Beautiful day!
   With sun on the river and song birds at play
Wonderful day! Beautiful day!
   If the sky's clouding over with rain on the way
Any day you see a mirror fish is a very special day
A fisherman came to the river that day
   And cast his line now far now near
But the mirror fish moved quietly away
   And with a flash of silver crossed over the weir
Wonderful day! Beautiful day!
   With sun on the river and song birds at play
Wonderful day! Beautiful day!
   If the sky's clouding over with rain on the way
Any day you see a mirror fish is a very special day
Mirror fish! Mirror fish! What do you see?
   Mirror fish! Mirror fish! Do you see me?
Oh! How I hope that you'll always stay free
   Oh! How I hope that you'll always stay free

Copyright © 2001 Andrew Burbidge
