Andrew Burbidge


The Dale of the Dancing Teddies

One lovely summer’s day as I was on my way
   I came upon a sight so amazing to behold
In a woodland glade where golden sunbeams played
   A scene of utmost wonder started to unfold
Teddy bears were dancing there, they were dancing without a care
   To the rhythm of sweet music with a wondrous, magic sound
First marching to and fro then skipping on they’d go
   The rhythm seemed to fill each bear with a joy that knew no bound
It set my feet a-tapping, it set my hands a-clapping
   The rhythm of their magic dance charmed me from the start
All my cares were chased away when I saw the teddies play
   In the dale of the dancing teddies where gladness filled my heart
When they saw that I was there it made them stop and stare
   And I felt lost amid such wonders so hard to understand
Till their leader smiled at me and invited me to see
   And asked me if I’d care to dance with his merry band
It set my feet a-tapping, it set my hands a-clapping
   The rhythm of their magic dance charmed me from the start
All my cares were chased away when I saw the teddies play
   In the dale of the dancing teddies where gladness filled my heart
As they sang come and see with us, we know you'll understand
   How happy you would be with us in our magic band
And if you sing our song with us we'll gently take your hand
   And lead you along with us - to Teddyland
I lost all track of time dancing in that scene sublime
   As the mystic, magic tune kept on ringing in my ears
And as we danced there in the glade whirling through the light and shade
   I hoped this new-found friendship could last through all my years
As through an open door a vision of their world I saw
   And the trees and all around me seemed to fade as we passed through
But no matter what I'd find I loved so much what I'd leave behind
   That I drew back and bade farewell and so returned to the world I knew
It set my feet a-tapping it set my hands a-clapping
   The rhythm of their magic dance charmed me from the start
All my cares were chased away when I saw the teddies play
   In the dale of the dancing teddies where gladness filled my heart
As they sang come and see with us, we know you'll understand
   How happy you would be with us in our magic band
And if you sing our song with us we'll gently take your hand
   And lead you along with us - to Teddyland
Sometimes with troubled mind I have tried and failed to find
   The place in the woods where I met that happy band
And if I find them again and I hear their sweet refrain
   Then I’ll dance away with them to their magic land

Copyright © 2002 Andrew Burbidge
