Visit YouTube and search for username, andrewburbidge, for some fun videos of a lot of different sorts and videos of the area where I live. There's probably nothing quite like it elsewhere on YouTube.

In December 2003 I emailed my work on the Final Theory of Physics, which I have called Clove Theory, to people around the world who study Physics. It is the only possible fundamental theory of Physics and if you would like to read it please contact people who study physics and ask for a copy of my work - or email me using the email address on this page. Here is a link to a discussion of the need for a Final Theory of Physics, which I wrote some time before I produced the work on Clove Theory. FinalTheoryOfPhysics

Welcome to EnglandHi which is an internet system set up to discuss, from a historical point of view, the legends of King Arthur and Camelot. Please see my booklets, available through the links here and visit my other sites, listed below.

These next links demonstrate the similarities between the spoken forms of the names Offa and Arthur and between Cynethryth and Guinevere, if small modifications are made. Many speakers of English use an 'f' sound instead of 'th'. The Norman French speakers of England would not have pronounced the 'th' sound as we know it today so the name, Cynethryth, must have been modified by them.

  Offa   OffaLengthened Sounds like Arthur  
  Cynethryth   Gynethry Sounds like Guinevere  
  Arthur   Arfa Sounds like Offa as spoken by many people  


About the origins of the expression Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense This expression seems to be from before the origins of the modern French language since it has similarities to languages of India and Germany.



Some views of Gumley, Leicestershire : click on the links below for more pictures.  

The great burial mound at Gumley - never excavated

The lake near the burial mound.

Top end of the great ditch at Gumley.

The glade at the site of Gumley Hall.

MoreLocalPictures. There are other beautiful views of the Leicestershire and Northamptonshire area at and they are duplicated at The latter address needs to be copied into the address window. Please note that it isn't on the WorldWideWeb.

I have added another site also, at which I will use for science including a discussion of the Final Theory of Physics.

Song competition - click on Music link.

Music . FreeMusicSoftwareOnTheInternet . TourOfMySites . Moneysavers . Timesavers . PowerpointWorkshop . Booklet1 . Booklet2 . Booklet3 . Anagrams . FreeButtons . AboutTheAuthor . Slides . NenniusAlphabet1 . NenniusAlphabet2 . LanguageStudy . Bibliography . StDunstanClassbookText . SibbertoftCastleAndCoombs . Welland-AvonLink

Upload booklets, AboutTheAuthor, Slides, Bibliography, StDunstanClassbookText, Language files


FinalTheoryOfPhysics   HarboroughFarmersMarket  
SpringAtRowanAvenue   MyMusicPageAndMusicSites  
FootballMatchAtAbingtonPark   FreeMusicSoftwareOnTheInternet  
HallatonBottleKicking2002   LocalPictures  

See my booklets below.

Welcome to EnglandHi which is an internet system set up to discuss, from a historical point of view, the legends of King Arthur and Camelot and related cultural matters and to develop other interesting possibilities which the internet presents. Many years of thinking about the Arthurian legends gave me a special understanding of how culture has been dealt with over the centuries and it becomes clearer with some consideration that at the heart of these matters is the question of the character and honour of nations. If this sounds interesting to you please read the text of my booklets which are here for you in full and if you find you would like to read more a paperback book is available with much more information. On this site I would like to make available some of my songs and to deal with other things which have interested me over the years. Please refer to the list at the top of the page.

Booklet1 Booklet2 Booklet3

The 24 chapter titles of the 3 booklets are:

1 Arthur & Guinevere, Camelot, Merlin and the Sword in the Stone, The Lady of the Lake, Weland and the Cradle of English Civilisation, The Mother of Parliaments and the Round Table, Love Most High, Legacy.

2 In the Name Offa-Arthur, Religion, Cultural Treasures, Angles & Angels, The First English Peoples, Art & Science, The At-land, Kings & Queens.

3 Arthurian Legends in Literature, Beowulf and the Holy Grail, Lords of the Ring, The Men of Iron, Cultural Management, Names, Colours, In the Name of the King.

These booklets explain in some detail how the Legends of King Arthur must derive from the life of King Offa of Mercia and his queen who were the greatest of the early English kings and queens. They include some of the main points from the longer work, "In The Name Offa Arthur - The Management of Culture" which I have been writing since 1991. It is an in depth discussion of how cultural matters including the legends of King Arthur and Camelot have been dealt with over the centuries. It developed into a discussion of how cultural management seems sometimes to be at the heart of government.

The first ever writer to mention someone called Arthur was Nennius and these next links are to pages intended to give an insight into his motives. Nennius was writing in Latin and the name he actually used was Artur. Although early Welsh writers eventually translated Latin forms back into known Welsh ones they never translated Artur as "Arthur".

NenniusAlphabet1 NenniusAlphabet2 StDunstanClassbookText

People might like to read work by Tom Green of Exeter College, Oxford on the Historicity and Historicisation of Arthur, which should be available from a search. He points out that Celtic myths concerning an early Arthur seem to have begun with a character who was not entirely human. I believe it is fair to say that without Offa and Cynethryth we would not have the legends we know today where the great king and queen are often portrayed as very English in character. I am convinced that Tom Green's work and mine taken together account for the origins of the Arthurian legends better than it has ever been done before. Tom Green has a very thorough bibliography and here is a link to mine: Bibliography


In my book I also mention my scientific ideas, which include segmented mirror telescopes and laser-powered fusion and people who work in those and related fields may be interested to read a little about the origins of those branches of science. Because my initials are F.A. some people will have heard of me as F.A.Burbidge. The book has an ISBN number: 0 9536579 06.

Animation (adapted from CorelMove. Neither GeoCities nor is accepting this kind of file currently so here is a captured frame with the movement on it. It should take about 1 minute to download at 28.8kbps.)

To buy a copy of my book, a paperback of approx. 120 pages length, send a cheque for $US 10.00 or 6 UK pounds to me: Andrew Burbidge, 26, Patrick Street, Market Harborough, Leics, LE16 9HP, England. The price includes postage and packaging.

For your comments email me: I would like to include some opinion from people on this site so please email me with any historical or other contribution you feel is relevant to this discussion.

To see some slides which help to show how the Mercian kingdom of King Offa seems to have a special place at the origin of the English peoples' culture see the Powerpoint slide show which is available via the PowerpointWorkshop link below here.

PowerpointWorkshop check what is available here

Anyone very interested in discussions regarding the origins of the legends might be interested in the Arthurnet. Some postings of mine can be found in their archives. If you put my name, Andrew Burbidge, into the search window it should list my items and others where I was mentioned. Arthurnet



As well as thinking about history and science I have written some beautiful songs over the years and have put videos for some of them on YouTube. I will place more there eventually. My songs include "White Slavers", "Champions of the World", "England is the Name", "The Dale of the Dancing Teddies", "The Mirror Fish", "The Place I Was Born" and others.



My internet sites:

YouTube - my username is andrewburbidge Offa and Arthur Science & Pictures Pictures (Paste in) Pictures Funny Game Funny Game

Copyright © 2009 Andrew Burbidge
